Do you like art or science? Why choose? Our preschoolers create beautiful space-scapes as they learn about the universe beyond Earth.
Although Hisaya is an international preschool in Nagoya, we want our kids to learn about the whole world and beyond. This week we are taking some time to study space. Our preschoolers are learning about planets, stars, and rockets! They have been discovering new things about our solar system each day, and then got to create their very own space image.
That’s right! Our kids were able to experiment with art and science, using crayons and paint to make contrast art pieces.
As you can see in the picture, four of our Butterfly
students are busy putting their space ideas to paper. No imagination was too big for this project, nor any student to small. Even our Caterpillar
students made their very own paint planets this week!
With such fun activities all of our students seemed to think this theme was out of this world!